Dennis Carpenter Ford Reproduction Parts has been in business selling quality reproduction parts since 1970. Since then we have included a vast amount of quality reproduction parts, along with new Ford parts, and NOS (New Old Stock) Ford parts.
We work hard everyday to provide the Ford and Mercury vintage vehicle community with the best possible products on the market. A few ways we do this is to hire experts in the fields required to run the machinery, while using the highest quality materials to produce them, and a knowledgeable call center team to get you correct information and parts.
Lastly, not all, but a large majority of our products we proudly use Original Ford Tooling to manufacture an exact fitting part. We're are also proud to have "Made in the USA" printed on not all, but a large portion of our product labels because, nothing fits like the original!
Dennis Carpenter was the first in a select group to manufacture parts from Original Ford Tooling. These parts are made in Dennis Carpenter's manufacturing plant in Concord, NC.